An Homage To Edgar Allan Poe
And a warning. . .
Or not.
There have been, of late, a series of events and circumstances which I call, for the present, "strange phenomena." These have been taking place around the world and with ever increasing frequency. Maybe. These events are not discussed as such, but only as unrelated, dissimilar events, if they are spoken of at all, which, generally speaking, they are not. Mostly. Spoken about. However, their frequency and unusual nature will cause one, upon cold reflection and contemplation, to conclude that something, something very unusual, indeed, perhaps even bizarre -- something either other worldly or metaphysical -- is definitely going on. Or not.
One such phenomenon has been happening more and more often of late; it has happened to me, to others, countless others, I think, who do not make much of it or even speak of it themselves, as it may seem odd or not noteworthy enough for discussion or even reflection. However, collectively many have concluded, probably, I have no way of knowing, really, that there is a meaning to the whole of these events. If this phenomenon exists then we are forced to conclude logically -- and frighteningly -- that they are real.
The phenomenon of which I speak is that of people falling out of their beds at night.
This odd occurrence is happening, as I said, with more and more frequency, if the reports I have been getting can be trusted, that is, if I were actually getting reports, of which can be verified and trusted, yes, with a good possibility, then,
yes, with great frequency.
Further and more crucially, I am a witness to this very occurrence. I have experienced it with clear and mindful observation it first hand and know that it
has happened.
Let me relate to you one such case, in fact, the most recent one.
Having already experienced this exact same event several times (I think) in the recent past I was well prepared for whenever it would happen again. I had and continued to repeatedly fall out of bed during the night while in a sound and deep sleep.
Thus, upon waking up and finding myself on the floor in the darkness of night and in some pain, I made sure to be particularly careful to observe the circumstances surrounding my situation. Was anyone, or any thing, in my room that was not there upon my retiring? Had anything moved from its place? Could I detect any unusual sounds that might render some hint as to what had happened?
After rubbing down the pain in the back of my head I examined the scene carefully.
And so, very cautiously, inch my inch, I made a detailed study of the room as it lay about me. I went from object to object, observing all, and with the calm certainty of a surgeon I would determine if there had been any changes, any movement at all.
But there was none. Nothing about the room had changed. Nothing had moved. All about me was exactly the same as it had been when I retired earlier that night, although I thought the clock sitting on my nightstand looked suspiciously, possibly, out of place or, perhaps about to move.
I spied it at great length. For a whole hour I did not move, staring directly at the suspicious object, but no, the clock had not and did not move. I must admit, however, to having an eerie mistrust of the clock. Similarly, I am also watchful of the ash tray and the floor lamp, which also fill me with suspicion. One cannot be too careful in these matters, for at any moment any object such as these, in the silent, dead hour of the night, may suddenly move, on their own, even just slightly, almost imperceptibly and for no apparent reason.
But finding all was as it was upon my falling asleep, I went back to bed and to sleep.
As I have said, in addition to my own experiences, I have heard of the same happening to others, how many others it is impossible to say, but I would imagine, that it is happening, possibly, to hundreds of thousands of people. So the question is not "Is it happening?" It is happening, of that there is no doubt, except for the doubt of statistical probability which does not inform way one or the other. I guess.
What could it all mean?
Why should hundreds of thousands of people around the world, perhaps, suddenly become prone to falling out of bed as they sleep? A rolling over, a slight lean, and then, a "plop"-- they are on the floor, sometimes in pain, having hit some part of their body in an awkward manner upon the hard floor or as in my case, a piece of furniture. Why?
Is the question even being asked? No, it most assuredly is not! And why not? And if not, who is not asking it? And why are they not asking it? What is going on here, if anything is going on? Or rather, what is NOT going on here? Who is not asking about what is not going on here? You see how complex the issue is, and how easily one can get lost in the logic of it! Or maybe not.
I an writing this with the hope of exposing these phenomena to the world, so that you may be careful and aware and with a concerted effort solve this mystery or at least, prevent any threat to our collective well-being, the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. Yes, it is that serious. Who knows who or what is behind it? What does it portend? If anything. . . or nothing.
For myself, I can keep silent no longer! No, I say, and no again. It is no pleasure, I assure you, to awaken while headed, helplessly, straight for the floor.
So, keep a thick pillow beside your bed. Tell your loved ones to do the same, perhaps circulate an anonymous memorandum at the office. (Anonymity is mandatory! I have learned this first hand.) Giving out pamphlets on the street is often effective in spreading the word. A printed sheet hung, here and there, can do wonders to inform an ill-informed public. Perhaps at the laundry. Do not attempt this at a theatrical production of "Fiddler on the Roof," you'll only get
into trouble, as I discovered.
Also, talk about it when the opportunity arises. Bring it up, slyly, at lunch, around the water cooler or the coffee machine. Casually, of course, we don't want to alarm anyone.
Do not let this happen to you for it is real and it is happening. Possibly. Just be aware. That's all I ask. Be aware.
Together we can get to the truth of this very strange thing. .
Good night.
POST SCRIPT -- Two weeks later: I fell out of bed again. The next day I reported the incident to the police. A mistake. Something was, without a doubt, afoot, I think. The police thought, or hoped, I hadn't noticed -- but I did -- the reaction of officer at the desk who was so taken aback by what I had told him that I became convinced that he had either been a victim of the phenomenon himself, or -- and this is what sent chills through the very marrow of my bones -- he knew of it already in detail and was forbidden to speak of it! I could see behind his mocking smile and excessively polite manner! Or some such thing.
Or maybe not at all and I'm wrong altogether.
But it was a queer and ominous look that he flashed me. I dared not push the matter further. I left, not leaving my name or further details. Nor, thank Providence, did I mention the clock.
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