Someone finally asked me why I mock GG so much and with such gleeful vulgarity. My answer: someone has to do it. I, apparently, am the only one with enough courage, commitment, and honor to take up the gauntlet. I am also probably the only one who reads her crappy blog. But Oh! There's so much more.
She is the reason the country sucks. She is the quintessential self-styled leader of privileged skanks. Admit you know them. They who without moral or ethical compasses, without a sense of conscience or social awareness or responsibility, without the stuff of previous generations, (personal integrity, societal responsibility) whose God is fashion, and whose faith is the dogged pursuit of the satisfaction of the self, mock all that is sacred. These are the enemies of Western Civilization, of Reason, of Intelligence, in short, of all that America was based on, the traditions of Ancient Greece, Rome, and our shared Judaic-Christian past. They are the minions of the Devil himself.
And do not fool yourself into defending GG with platitudes like, "Oh, it's just fun!"
No. It is not. It is the screeching cry of ignorance with a blog. It is the calling card of the corruption of a once sophisticated, responsible, and erudite upper middle class that is now dissolved into an amorphous mess of greed, avarice, and crude emptiness. It is "white trash nation," raised to the level of what once was the American Dream.
I have met this Girl from Greenwich. She doesn't remember it, but we did meet. Based on the behavior of another member of her family I should not be surprised by her lowness. The brutal ugliness of that which gave birth to her would frighten you if I were to describe it. It is demonic and in the purest sense, evil. There is no reasoning with such a monster as this. If you see it, run. She is fully capable of creating a hell on earth for you. "Beware the Harlot, the whore of Babylon."
But, you will say, she is so beautiful, and cute and sweet!
Yes, well, what form did you expect the devil to take when he comes? A grotesque, ugly, mis-shapen harpy? A growling, snarling, snake-like viper, spitting out fire and poison? It would be recognized for what it is immediately and so, rendered powerless. Oh, no. . . the beast will come in pleasing form, attractive and lovely to behold, promising all manner of good things. Yes, the monster does this and we become ensnared by its superficial charm. Then we are lost.
"Get behind me, Satan," is what we should all say whenever we are confronted by the beast. But have we learned this lesson from so long ago, the lesson that is preached over and over, not only in houses of worship but in fiction and literature of every kind? Some of us have. But others of us, like myself, only learn after the devastation of the soul. And we suffer for it for all time.
But you! Behold! It is not too late for you! Hence, my attacks on it will go on. I, undaunted and already lost, cannot lose again.
Save yourself.
Note: this essay is purely an exercise in fiction, and any resemblance to people living in Greenwich is merely a serendipitous coincidence.
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