I thought about writing to you today with something profound and powerful. I decided against that. There's enough of that in the world. Instead, I will share with you my list of things NOT to do with shaving cream.
(sort of a public service essay).
Do not use shaving cream in food. It is not edible. It might make you sick, stupid. I don't care how good it looks, it's NOT food. Do not use shaving cream in your eyes, for any reason. Hard to believe, but I know many of you have done this, foolishly, thinking that it will help keep your eyes clean. No. It will only irritate your eyes.
Do not place shaving cream on or especially, inside electrical appliances of any kind. Where there is electricity there must also be caution. It is wise to follow all instructions that come with the appliance, and not fool around with adding things, applying stuff or dunking your toaster in a sink full of water while plugged in. See? That's just asking for trouble. Well, it's the same for shaving cream; it doesn't belong there so don't do it.
Now, you may have friends. I don't know. If you do, you're lucky. I have no friends, hence this blog. Friends do not enjoy having shaving cream rubbed in their face or on their pants. It can only serve to place a rift in the friendship, and that's something you definitely do not wish to do. Friends are valuable. And I know, because I have none, so you, like I once did, probably take your friends for granted. Don't. Your friends define you. They help you survive the enigmas, mysteries, and injustices of life. Without friends, you will end up like me, alone bitter, and writing blogs. That's who writes blogs you know. People with no friends. Do you think if I had friends, I'd be sitting here writing this? No, I'd be out having brunch with them!
True friendship has a simple glory about it. It has to be cared for, kept, and it's often hard work. A good friendship is a lifeline to a man drowning in the ocean of life. It is a buffer against the storm. It is among the greatest gifts that God can give a person, or that a person can give themselves.
Listen to me, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Listen. Can you hear, beyond the wind and the rustling of leaves. . .? In the darkness, late at night, when all the world's asleep, you can hear the loan moan of a lonely abandoned soul. Pity me, ye lucky one who still has friends.
Pity and learn from me, and don't put shaving cream on your friends.
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